Everybody’s mouth is different. In fact an imprint of your teeth is just as unique as your thumbprint, yet you’ve noticed that almost every member of your family has cavities. Regardless of how thoroughly you brush and floss, it seems like cavities keep being diagnosed. So what gives? Does tooth decay run in your family? […]
You’ve Got Braces – Which Food to Avoid & Which You Can Eat
So you’ve just gotten braces. Great!! However, now that you have some brackets and wires on your teeth there are certain foods that should not go into your mouth. You certainly don’t want to chance breaking your new gear, or promote tooth decay! Foods to Avoid Foods to avoid are those that are sticky, crunchy, […]
How Your Smile Affects Your Confidence
Studies show that your smile is the first thing that people notice when meeting for the first time. Having a great smile will not only show people and the world that you care about your oral health, it can spread joy to those around you. If you are unhappy and feel self-conscious with the way […]
Healthy Teeth
Here’s three things you can do to make your teeth healthier!
Selecting a Toothbrush & Brushing Habits
Picking the right toothbrush and having good brushing habits are important to your dental health.